My Handbook for Life.
This is the beginning of my personal handbook for life. This book will serve as a reference for determining the best answer in any given situation in which a choice must be made. The handbook will contain goals and techniques for achieving those goals. I will carry this book with me at all times unless it becomes physically too large, in which case I will carry an abridged version or a version stored digitally dependent on technology. I will also post this handbook on the internet for anybody to veiw and copy. It has been said that a person is incomplete without religion. This is my religion.
Timeline beginning now through death annotating milestones that I will have achieved.
Basic rules for making decisions based upon my goals.
Lists of material things I wish to possess and the justification for them.
Relevant quotes.
A list of strengths and weaknesses with personal thoughts on how to overcome weaknesses and focus strengths into energy toward my goals.